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seo The Skinny on Browser Support.

Ahh, browsers. You know what they are, and probably even have a personal favorite. But when it comes to browser support and your website, you throw your hands up. We don't blame you. As fast as browsers are created, and updated, it's nearly impossible to keep up with the trends. So leave the details to us; we want you to know we're up to speed on which browsers most people are using to view your website, and that's where we focus our support efforts.

On that note, we want there to be no doubt in your mind where we stand on this issue. And we want you to have a clear idea of what your next step should be.

Browsers Change With Time

When we launch new websites, we test them on all the major browsers of that time. But as the days, weeks and months pass, so increases the number of existing browsers and versions. Keeping up with browser support is an evolutionary process - not something you can handle once and walk away from forever. After a while it's important to give your site a checkup to make sure it still functions on all the major browsers.

We care about your website, regardless of its age. But the internet is a fast moving place, so the rules have probably changed since your launch day! New browser versions have been released, making the old ones obsolete. What does this mean for you? Basically, most website viewers will eventually transition to the newest browser versions - but until everyone is switched over your site could appear broken in select places. It might mean you get a complaint here and there that your site isn't working, but it's important you keep the bigger picture in mind: that it works perfectly for most of the world.

Drawing the Line

There are literally hundreds of browsers out there. But did you know most people only use about four or five of them? It's practically impossible to support _all_ of them on a reasonable budget, which is why we select a group of the most widely used browsers to focus our support efforts on. If you've ever worked with us before, you know we're not going to waste your time and money on things that won't significantly impact the performance of your site. This hasn't changed. Here are the browsers and versions we support. In our opinion, worrying about the rest is a waste of time.

  • Chrome (latest versions)
  • Firefox (latest versions)
  • Safari (latest versions)
  • Internet Explorer 9 and higher versions.
    (In certain circumstances, we support IE8 as well)

The Proof is in the Stats

The most popular browsers used today are Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Internet Explorer, which is why we focus our support efforts in those areas. We hope you can take our word for all this, but if you're all about the numbers, we can show you those, too. Check out this data on browser stats, and their usage over the last several years. See the trends?

Then, and Now

Browser support comes standard with an Entermotion website. If we built your site, we made sure it worked great in all the relevant browsers of the time, but there may be some adjustments we can make to transition to all the newer versions that have been released since then. While your code, design, and content may still be perfect, browser support is the one thing you can invest in right now to make a difference in the performance of your site. Even if we didn't build your existing site, we can help get you up to speed now!

What's Your Next Step?

Want to know which browsers your site currently supports well? We’ll do an audit and get you a good list for $100. Then the obscurity will end, and the proactive action can begin.



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